GADSL refers to Global Automotive Declarable Substance List. The GADSL represents information on certain substances of parts, which are produced in the supply chain of automobile manufacturers. The GADSL is maintained by a professional team who have expertise in automotive, automotive parts supplier (tier supplier), and chemical/plastics industries and are those who are organized in the Global Automotive Stakeholders Group (GASG). The GADSL is normally updated annually in February by the concerned team.

As per the current update, the GADSL list of substances in IMDS is again updated on 11th March 2022

Thereby, IMDS users have to abide by the following rules to comply with the legal and contractual obligations

  1. 1. It is prohibited to hide GADSL-substances in wildcards
  2. 2. All active MDS have to be checked for all new GADSL-substances, potentially hidden in a wildcard
  3. 3. If new GADSL substances are hidden in a wildcard, the supplier has to re-work and re-submit the affected MDS to his customer.

To avoid the above checks and procedures in the future, the IMDS steering committee recommends using confidentiality substances functionality instead of using the wildcard substances in IMDS

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