Substances that may have serious health and environmental effects can be identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). If any substance identified as SVHC will be included in the Candidate List and will be included in the authorization list eventually.
At the request of the European Commission, Member states or European Chemical Agency (ECHA) will propose a substance to be identified as SVHC by making a dossier based on the requirements in Annex XV of REACH.
Based on its hazard properties, N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide is proposed to identify as SVHC.
Comments related to uses, exposure of risk, and alternatives for the substance are mostly expected by ECHA. These comments will be helpful for ECHA to decide during the next step in the authorization process if the substance should be recommended to include in the Authorisation List. However, these comments will not be used to confirm SVHC identification only the registration dossiers are the main source for the conclusion.
The commenting period deadline is 19/04/2022

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