Accelerate your sales on Ebay & Amazon with APA’s DEEP DIVE solution, used by some of the most reputable aftermarket companies


If you are new to Ebay & Amazon (or) if you are looking to optimize your existing listings, APA’ s team of eCommerce rock stars will make it happen for you using APA’s proven RIGHT EIGHT FRAMEWORK.

  1. 1. Right Title
  2. 2. Right Description
  3. 3. Right Images
  4. 4. Right Item Specs
  5. 5. Right Attributes
  6. 6. Right Keywords
  7. 7. Right Fitment
  8. 8. Right Notifications


Once your listings are vetted & prepped, APA’s consultants set up a dashboard that helps you monitor key indicators such as – Top Selling, Least Selling, Zero Stock, Critical Sales Drops, Qty & Value Analysis (item-wise, week-on-week/M-o-M)etc.


E-Commerce marketplaces are highly competitive and number of competitors are increasing every week. Manually identifying competitors at an item level & periodically monitoring for their listings are herculean tasks.

APA’s DEEPDIVE program comprises a DIVE software that helps you identify your competitors at an item level very quickly and efficiently.


Customers on E-Commerce marketplaces are price sensitive and therefore you need a robust pricing strategy to be successful. APA’s AI driven dynamic pricing helps you benchmark against specific competitors & price your listings accurately based a given set of thresholds on costs & margins.

To know more about this program, please contact us with your Ebay / Amazon store details via the form below. You can also call us on +1-713-984-4991 or email us on

    Demo / Trial / Enquiry