Why APA's PMT ?

APA’s PMT is a web based application available on SAAS model with standard features needed for the automotive after-market. Our PMT is constantly evolving and you can benefit from the regular feature upgrades at no extra cost. It is also highly customizable to accommodate such modifications that suit the customer’s workflow at very competitive costs. The core repository is rich in functionality for managing auto parts data while the UI can be tweaked to show user defined / user preferred information, reports and dashboards.

Industry Standards

Adopts industrial standards and ensures data accuracy. Read More


Provides data insights in graphical representation for easy understanding. Read More

Vehicle Type and Vehicle Data Management

Consolidates compatibility information for part management. Read More

Parts Data Management

Meets PIES standards for data management. Read More

Custom Multi-level Hierarchies

Defines multi-level hierarchies, map part numbers and specific attributes. Read More

E-commerce platforms- Market Place Integration

Export, import, and integration with several channels. Read More

Variant Handling

Manages parts, merchandise, or any product differentiated by attribute values. Read More

Imports and Exports and Integrations

Imports data through ERP via API integration and different formats. Read More


Generates reports and provides access to Autocare database. Read More

Industry Standards


  • ACES viewer to view the latest information from Autocare
  • Monthly updates to the PIM with the latest data from Autocare
  • Reports to help you identify and correct the invalids that come up due to the monthly upgrade process
  • Migrations to new versions of Autocare at no additional cost to customers.


PMT’s dashboard is a powerful reporting tool which provides insights of your data in a graphical representation. Following are the key features:

  • Overall metrics relating to your portfolio (part count, unique application count, invalid count etc.)
  • View details for any specific supplier (Product Line)
  • Generate Exception reports of parts that do not contain any images, digital assets, UPC codes etc. to help improve your data
  • Navigate quickly to recently searched parts and download page
  • Alerts on Unassigned part types, overlaps etc. to help you keep your data up to date.

Vehicle Type &
Vehicle Data Management

PMT helps you to consolidate and comprehensively manage all compatibility information for your parts (also called applications or fitments). Following are the highlights:

Parts Data Management

PMT provides you options to import, create, edit, delete and export parts information as per PIES standards. Key features below:

  • Import using PIES XML
  • Excel import template with macro-based validations to eliminate data issues in import
  • Define Custom Taxonomy for use in your eCommerce site
  • Navigate quickly to recently searched parts and download page
  • Define attributes as searchable, facet and also define sequence numbers of facet
  • Customized all-in-one page, imports and exports to ensure that critical data needed for your specific operation are captured
  • HTML editor to support formatted descriptions.
  • Support multiple statuses like superseded or discontinued parts is made easier.
  • Bulk import, queue management and import metrics
  • Map parts with VMRS codes to support your heavy-duty customers
  • Support for multi-value attributes, multi-language, attributes with value constraints, variants etc.
  • Navigate quickly to recently searched parts and download page
  • Multiple ways to search parts based on part number, interchange number, product category / sub category/part description, VMRS code, attributes, applications etc.
  • Support to store descriptions for your marketplace web stores (like eBay title, Amazon title etc.)
  • Bulk import of digital assets
  • Link parts to applications using buyers guide section

Custom Multi-level Hierarchies

While PCDB categories allow you to exchange information in a standard format with your receivers, these categories might not be best suited for your web catalogs. PMT allows you to define your own categories and subcategories (multi-level hierarchy) and map them against your part numbers so that potential buyers can quickly navigate to the required part conveniently in multiple ways.

PMT also provides options to map specific attributes as facets (including its sequence number) for each of these categories to aid in controlling the display of information in your catalog.

E-commerce platforms- Market Place Integration

Application data can be exported from the PMT and imported to Marketplaces eBay, Amazon, Walmart and eCommerce applications like BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento etc. PMT is also integrated with our multi-channel management tool Octopus which enables creating listings as well as sync fitments to multiple channels. Excel Import and export of SKU / Item ID information of the parts in various channels

  • Customized HTML exports with data based on the PMT for using them in your marketplace stores
  • Automatic sync up of fitments in various channels (Octopus)
  • Automatic update of listings in various channels
  • Search index update based on the latest information in the PMT
  • Exception reports for the sync and data related issues to ensure that parts or attributes do not get missed in the sync.

Variant Handling

The Variant feature available in PMT lets you manage similar parts that differ only by an attribute value such as color, size, etc. This enables you to manage merchandise and other allied products offered with your automobile parts.

Imports and Exports and Integrations

Data can be easily imported to PMT directly through ERPs via API integration and various formats that are listed as follows:

  • Import and Export to ACES, PIES xml, xlsx format
  • Export to receiver specific custom formats
  • Publish to PDF Catalogs (custom templates)
  • Integrate with ERP such as QuickBooks, Epicor
  • Integrate with marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon
  • Integrate with your own Web Catalogs (B2C, B2B)
  • Integrate with VIO data


The Reports section provides access to AutoCare databases through “ACES Viewer” tool. PMT also allows generation of many reports including:

  • Import and Export to ACES, PIES xml, xlsx format
  • Total # of parts and applications
  • ACES Holes Report
  • ACES Invalids Report
  • ACES Overlaps Report
  • Parts without digital assets
  • Parts without part types
  • VIO reports
  • Other custom metrics.



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Our pledge is to build your business with our techniques and assist in every stream within our expertise. We, at APA are unrelentingly keen in marking our clients’ needs with satisfaction throughout the needed times.

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