APA offers high quality inspection services for their global customers.
- Inspection Services embracing ISO standards
- AQL standards for sampling size determination
- Corrective Action & Preventive Action implementation
- A team of well trained Inspectors as per ISO processes.
- An in house software developed that captures all aspects of the Inspection process-Inspection plans, reports, deviations, Corrective action plans etc.
- Web Based Product Validation MIS program.
Inspection Process
- A preliminary factory audit is conducted for supplier capability assessment for our customers based on ISO 9001:2015 system.
- Once drawing is approved our inspection documents like PPAP, Material certificate, Inspection reports etc. accompany the consignment, also these details are available in our “Online Inspection dashboard”
- Our inspectors also wear a ‘product specialist ‘ cap under the “Mentor Program”,where APA inspectors have meetings with key quality personnel at supplier premises and discuss points/issues raised or found during APA’s inspection and feedback from our customers.
Inspection Dashboard
Our Online Dash Board provides customer with basic information on inspection, supplier performance
- To provide an unbiased Supplier Rating based on performance
- Suppliers Rated as per ISO recommendations against Quality Delivery Price Service Systems
- AQL standards for sampling size determination
Closed Loop Complaint Handling
Our information capturing capability covers customer complaints with aid of our “Online Inspection Dashboard” to get information on time every time.