If you are an SME, make sure you are declaring your company sizes correctly. If you discover that you have incorrectly claimed your business size, please notify ECHA by emailing sme-verification@echa.europa.eu by May 31, 2021. By doing so, you could avail full administrative charge waivers if you correct it before ECHA starts verifying and payment of differences in registration fees is applicable. If ECHA discovers it, you will have to pay the difference of fee as well as an administrative charge of EUR 19,900.

The ECHA website has information on how to determine and declare the correct size of your business in the link SME fees under REACH and CLP

Reference: https://echa.europa.eu/-/is-your-company-size-declared-correctl-1

If this regulation is applicable to you and you are interested in knowing more about this topic and available solutions, then schedule a free consult with our experts.