By 25 September 2023, interested parties are invited to submit scientific and technological data on the production, marketing, and use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the European Chemicals Agency.

The national authorities of Danish, German, Dutch, Norwegian, and Swedish have prepared a six-month consultation on the restriction plan. It has begun on March 22 and ends on September 25, 2023. Anyone with knowledge on PFAS is invited to participate in the consultation to voice their opinions. Information pertaining to the dangers, socioeconomic considerations, and substitute drugs is of special interest.

• The feedback from the consultation will be considered by ECHA's scientific committees for risk assessment (RAC) and socio-economic analysis (SEAC) as they evaluate and form opinions on the planned restriction.
• ECHA and the 5 national authorities will outline the restriction process, the proposal's substance, and the consultation process. Additionally, they will answer inquiries from the audience. The session can be viewed live from the ECHA homepage without registering and will be conducted in English.

Before the event, you can submit questions to the expert panel. On January 13, the five national authorities sent ECHA the comprehensive plan to impose PFAS restrictions. Ultimately, the potential restriction will be decided by the European Commission and the EU Member States based on the plan and the committee’s recommendations.

Reference: All news - ECHA (

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