On 1st April 2021 – Ford Motor Company has published the RSMS (Restricted Substance Management Standard ) information for their suppliers.

The purpose of this standard is to inform the restrictions about certain substances to FORD suppliers and FORD employees. These substances shall be restricted or excluded from parts supplied to FORD and/or manufactured by FORD, by regulation, or by FORD direction. This standard supplements but does not override the responsibility of each supplier to comply with the laws and regulations for the receiving FORD locations. All suppliers of FORD have to comply with this standard (RSMS).

Please find the Ford RSMS rollout package 2021 in the below link: Ford RSMS Rollout Package 2021

Reference: https://public.mdsystem.com

If this regulation is applicable to you and you are interested in knowing more about this topic and available solutions, then schedule a free consult with our experts.