Due to a change in the market trend, it is necessary to make a change to the existing GPSD (General Product Safety Directive) which was introduced in 2001. For that purpose, European Commission adopted a proposal in July 2021 to transform GPSD into a regulation called General Product Safety Regulation.

Transforming the directive into a regulation will aim to ensure that products of the digital age meet European safety standards. The GPSR proposal modernizes the rules for online marketplaces and updates them for online businesses.

On July 20th, 2022, Member States agreed on a mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on the proposal for a regulation on general product safety (GPSR).

This proposal for a Regulation aims to:

(i) update and modernize the general framework for the safety of non-food consumer products.

(ii) preserve its role as a safety net for consumers.

(iii) adapt the provisions to challenges posed by modern technologies and online selling; and

(iv) ensure a level playing field for businesses.

Reference: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2022/07/20/general-product-safety-regulation-council-adopts-its-position/ https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-11469-2022-INIT/en/pdf

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