Jun 11, 2021 – Under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65), the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) plans to list the following chemicals as known to the state to cause cancer.

  • ● Tetrahydrofuran (CAS RN 109-99-9)
  • ● 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate (CAS RN 103-11-7)
  • ● Methyl acrylate (CAS RN 96-33-3)
  • ● Trimethylolpropane triacrylate, technical grade

This listing of chemicals is being proposed per the “Labor Code” listing mechanism. By this mechanism, OEHHA has determined that each of these substances meets the criteria for listing.

Reference: https://oehha.ca.gov/