REACH (EC 1907/2006) aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better. Listing of a substance as a Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the first step in the procedure for authorization or restriction of the use of a chemical.

Then, the REACH Regulation imposes immediate obligations on manufacturers and importers to declare the substances if present. ECHA announced the substance “Hexahydromethylphthalic anhydride” will be flagged REACH SVHC on March 31, 2021

Substance Name (en) CAS EC Number Reason for inclusion IMDS GADSL Action
Tetrahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride 34090-76-1 251-823-9 Respiratory sensitizing properties
(Article 57(f) – human health)
Yes Flag as SVHC

If this regulation is applicable to you and you are interested in knowing more about this topic and available solutions, then schedule a free consult with our experts.