Info Security Concerns – Information Security  is  currently the  biggest  concern of enterprises, be it  with  inhouse resources or external partners. For this,  European Automotive Industry is leading the business world in upping the ante in terms of  process and  systems requirements to handle their sensitive data. TISAX accreditation was born out of this requirement.

APA and Information Security – After successfully acquiring  ISO 27001-2013  last year for Information  Security  Management Systems,  APA Engineering  was  challenged by our client, a world-renowned German Automaker to get certified for TISAX.

About TISAX – TISAX  is a  Trusted  Information  Security  Assessment and Exchange mechanism for the information security of enterprises. They need to pass the Audit using the ISA questionnaire compiled by the German Automotive Industry Association VDA. Recently, the VDA developed this into a common assessment and exchange procedure called TISAX, which is operated by ENX, an association of European car manufacturers, suppliers and associations.

Good News! – APA was successfully audited for the  Highest Level of Information Security (Level 3) by DQS. The audit included a thorough verification of security processes, a comprehensive onsite inspection, and in-person interviews.

What it means to customers – is that their sensitive Information, drawings, and data are safe and secure with APA Engineering, your trusted business partner.


If this regulation is applicable to you and you are interested in knowing more about this topic and available solutions, then schedule a free consult with our experts.