ECHA invites statements on its request to include eight substances of very high concern in the REACH Authorisation List Statements can be given by 2 May 2022


ECHA frequently advises substances from the Candidate List for the Commission to include in the Authorisation List. The draft recommendation is based on an evaluation of the data in registration dossiers and other available information, and an initial discussion with the Member State Committee

ECHA will submit its final recommendation to the European Commission in spring 2023 This will be ECHA’s 11th recommendation The Commission will decide on which of the substances to include in the Authorisation List and on the respective terms applicable for each substance

And if a substance is included in the Authorisation List, only can be placed on the market or used after a given date if authorization is allowed for a specific use Companies that are utilizing, manufacturing, or importing these substances can apply for authorization .

 As of now, The Authorisation List of substances of very high concern contains 54 entries for chemicals

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