Protect human health through the restriction of chemical hazardous substances.
Protect human health and environment through restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
Database for substances of concern in complex products or articles
Due diligence to identify the origins of conflict minerals to promote responsible sourcing.
Warning for Californians about exposure to certain chemicals.
Regulate the manufacture, importation, use, and disposal of chemicals.
Collect and store data on the composition, recycling, and disposal of vehicle parts and materials.
Comprehensive information about the hazards, composition, safe handling, storage, and emergency response measures for chemical substances or mixture
Stay on top of all regulations and amendments and know their impact
Restrict the usage of persistent chemicals that can harm human health and the environment.
Gathering and analysis of potential risks and opportunities associated with the business supply chain
Build and promote long-term sustainable business. Turn ideal ESG strategies into actions.