MDS Xpress IMDS Software

Compliance Demo Enquiry

MDS Xpress – IMDS Software

  • Cut cost and automate IMDS submission process by 30% YoY
  • Automate End to End IMDS submission and cut cost by 30%
  • Automate IMDS tree structure analysis and reduce time by 70%
  • Automate IMDS submissions and achieve cost savings by 30% YOY.

Talk to an APA Expert today!

Typical challenges faced by companies in
IMDS submission

  • Lower supplier responses or repetitive follow ups with suppliers

  • Tedious and time consuming process to build the IMDS tree structure for large assemblies

  • Difficult to identify missing child MDS in Assembly MDS

Introducing MDS Xpress Software from APA

APA Engineering with over 19+ experience in ‘Product Chemical Compliance’ & Global client base has created a web based SaaS platform to reduce costs and time in IMDS submissions.
The software helps to automate the complete reporting process including building the IMDS tree structure with zero errors

What can be Automated with
MDS Xpress Software?

  • BOM Analysis (Finding the unreported MDS in a BOM)
  • Requesting MDS from suppliers in one click
  • Building the BOM assembly tree structure

MDS Xpress – IMDS Software Features

  • SaaS model

    Web based for easy subscription

  • Finding Unreported MDS

    Finds the unreported MDS in the BoM

  • Supplier Communication

    Automated Mail Communication and Reminders for Unreported and Rejected MDS

  • Automatic MDS tree creation

    IMDS Data can be Created Instantly

  • Dashboards

    Dashboards for Supplier, Customer, MDS and Program-level

Business Benefits of Using MDS Xpress
  • 1

    70% time savings in building the IMDS tree structure

  • 2

    Faster supplier submission using automated communication

  • 3

    100% assurance on the accuracy of data submitted

  • 4

    Discovering unreported parts for a design change is automated

MDS Xpress Software IMDS Dashboard

Book a Demo


Is there any specific BOM template required for tool?

Yes, tool have a BOM template file, can download from the tool

Shall tool will do the BOM analysis?

Yes, tool will do the BOM analysis. If it finds any error in the BOM, tool will catch the error and error details will be shown in the pop-up page.

Is this tool will do the BOM validation?

Yes, MDS Xpress tool will do the BOM validation, it will provide the supplier parts progress report in the front page

How much time will it take for BOM analysis?

For 300 supplier parts, it will take 2 to 3 minutes

Will tool do the supplier follow-up activity?

Yes, tool will do the supplier follow-up activity for the unreported and rejected parts by emailing option within the tool.

Is there any option to edit the mail content?

Yes, tool will show the preview of mail content and we can edit it there.

Shall tool will keep the supplier data in the tool?

Yes, tool will keep the supplier data.

Is it possible to upload bulk supplier contacts in the tool?

Yes, tool have an excel file template to upload the bulk contacts.

Shall we use this tool for supplier incoming MDS data validation?

No, tool will not do the supplier part IMDS validation.

Substance wise analysis is there in the tool?

No, tool can’t do the substance wise analysis

What is the main objectives of this tool?

BOM analysis, Supplier follow-up, building the tree structure and also tool will keep the supplier data.

Is it possible to manage the REACH regulation in this tool?


Is it possible to build the tree structure without IMDS A2?

No, tool need IMDS A2 access to build the tree structure.

How much time tool will take to generate the tree?

Tool will take 10 to 15 secs to prepare the tree file

Is it possible to provide the tool license to us?

Yes, if customer wants to access the tool, APA can provide the access license.

Will it keep the BOM data in the tool?

Yes, tool will keep all the uploaded BOM in it

Automation is not an option
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