The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) encourages stakeholders to participate in calls for comments and evidence during the preparatory phase of restriction proposals. This process allows interested parties to share their views, concerns, and relevant data, contributing to the development of regulatory frameworks for hazardous substances.
Key Objectives
• Stakeholder Engagement: Provides a platform for organizations, industry representatives, and individuals to offer input on reports, restriction guidelines, and substance assessments.
• Evidence-Based Decisions: Submitted information aids in creating comprehensive Annex XV restriction dossiers, ensuring decisions are well-informed and balanced.
• Inclusivity: Enables participation from parties who may otherwise go unrecognized during the formal consultation stages.
How It Works?
1. Information Submission: Stakeholders can contribute data, insights, and justifications to support their comments.
2. Pre-Regulatory Feedback: This early-phase input complements, but does not replace, the public consultation required later in the restriction process.
ECHA values these contributions as they help shape more effective and equitable chemical regulations, enhancing protection for human health and the environment.
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