In a significant development, the OECD eChemPortal has undergone a substantial enhancement, granting users access to the most up-to-date and critical information concerning chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) under the REACH regulation.

What’s New on OECD eChemPortal?

Starting from September 6, 2023, the eChemPortal has been enriched with a wealth of fresh data sourced directly from ECHA’s extensive REACH registration database. This latest update boasts information on an impressive 186 new chemical substances, thereby expanding the total substance records to an astonishing 26,673. Furthermore, an incredible 18,207 endpoint records have been seamlessly integrated, contributing to an impressive total of 1.35 million endpoints.

What Awaits You on eChemPortal?

OECD’s eChemPortal empowers users with the ability to conduct comprehensive searches using chemical identifiers, chemical properties, and hazard classifications. It stands as the ultimate destination for accessing indispensable chemical data, serving as a comprehensive gateway to a vast repository of information meticulously curated from diverse global sources.

Comprehending the eChemPortal’s Significance

The eChemPortal stands as an indispensable resource offering free and public access to an extensive repository of chemical properties. This invaluable database is a result of collaborative efforts from various governmental chemical programs worldwide. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) plays a pivotal role in developing and maintaining the eChemPortal, with hosting support from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

It is paramount to acknowledge that the data sources accessible through the eChemPortal are actively overseen by the organizations that originally generated them. These organizations shoulder the responsibility of ensuring data accuracy and reliability by meticulously maintaining links from the eChemPortal to their respective local data sources.


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