Global Dies, Jigs & Fixtures Market To Reach $88.8B By 2023
“The global jigs, fixtures and dies manufacturing market reached a value of nearly $56.8 billion in 2018, having grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.6% from 2014, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.3% to nearly $88.8 billion by 2023, according to a new report by The Business Research Company.”
Companies often look for different methods to optimize the production process by utilizing their available assets. Especially now, the need of the hour is to find more innovative ways to bring down the manufacturing cost as much as possible.
Fixtures have been playing a major role in manufacturing industries. One of the important facets of these fixtures is that it influences the manufacturing (and assembly) process of a product. Parts may have different sets of fixture requirements and call for different design strategies like Assembly fixture, Welding fixture, BIW fixture & Inspection fixture, etc.
The main advantages of these fixtures in production include increase in productivity, inter–changeability, operator fatigue reduction and cost reduction.
The fixture that can serve better technically and economically will make a significant difference in production processes. Here are some real case studies explaining the advantages of the design services.
Case Study#1: Design of Brake Pedal assembly Welding Fixture
To know more, click here
Case Study#2: Design of Lamp Test Fixture
To know more, click here
The authors, Mohan and Barath, drive global strategy for engineering solutions at APA Engineering.
They can be reached at and
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Article Reference – Equipment News
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