Avoid Millions of Dollars Penalties by Using APA Engineering’s CIBS Software
Watch RecordingA successful webinar on Avoid Millions of Dollars Penalties by Using our APA Engineering’s CIBS Software live demo was conducted on 28th July across the US and Europe regions. The compliance leaders from various backgrounds like manufacturers, distributors from the electronics, automotive industry at various levels, participated and gained insights into our SaaS solution.
Regulations and Penalty Structures
Overview of CIBS
Understanding CIBS
Live Demo
Features and Benefits
What are the regulations that CIBS can manage?
CIBS currently manages 15 product regulations. Volatile Organic compound regulations, small containers of automotive refrigerant regulation, Regulation on POP & ODS substances & brake pad regulations are some of the commonly known regulations among Mfg, distributors, and suppliers.
What are the other states that have stricter norms like California?
OTC states such as Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Delaware have also adopted stricter regulation limits.
Does CIBS manage VOC (Volatile Organic Chemicals) regulations only for the US?
Presently, CIBS can judge the compliance of a product concerning VOC regulations only for the US. Simultaneously, product regulations for other countries are being studied and analyzed for implementation in CIBS.
Does it have Batteries transport regulations? Does it include only lead-acid or lithium-ion etc?
In recent days most companies are worried about battery transportation. The answer is Yes, CIBS has information on battery transport which belongs to the DOT reg. and instead of saying can or can’t sell this will be an alerting system for the customer.
How does CIBS ensure regulations are updated?
CIBS has an automated crawler that scans online government regulation documents regularly to check for amendments. The crawler is managed flawlessly by our IT team.
Do regulations vary across different locations in the USA?
Yes, It varies across all the states in the USA. Furthermore, this variation in product regulations is also present in different counties. This is the reason why CIBS provides compliance results on a zip-code level.
Why does California have the strictest set of regulations?
Its geographical landmass, a high percentage of citizen mobilization, business support for many environmental measures, and steadily growing administrative capacity has produced a continuous stream of environmental policy innovations in multiple areas over a long period.
How many SKUs can the CIBS part master database manage?
CIBS part master DB doesn’t have any storage limit. It can accommodate all the parts from your company’s portfolio with ease!
Which regulation in CIBS has the most number of defaulters?
VOC regulation is the one which most companies especially fail to comply with. More often than not, Companies whose products are placed on the California market are penalized for VOC compared to other regulations.
Will CIBS help a company that manufactures raw materials/pure substances?
No, CIBS helps the company that manufactures automotive products, but our APA experts can provide regulatory consultation on regulations about raw materials/pure substances.
Overall rating
If you wish to get a copy of the webinar or conflict minerals demo, please send a mail to compliance@apaengineering.com