A successful webinar on Prop65 regulation was conducted on 29th April across the US and Europe regions. The compliance leaders and manufacturers, distributors from automobile, electronics, chemical industry at various levels, partaken and gained insights into the Proposed New Amendment changes on Prop65 short-form warning label
Overview of California Proposition65
What are the existing rules in California for Prop65
What are the proposed changes by OEHHA on the short-form warning labels
How does it impact the businesses
What are the proactive steps to be taken to avoid such surprises in the future
Latest updates on Prop65 regulation
Do I have to provide a warning in languages other than English?
Yes, the prop65 warning must be provided in each language in which consumer information is provided on the product label or packaging. If you use multiple languages on your product packaging, then your warning labels must similarly be in multiple languages.
Should I worry about the penalty for using the existing short-form warning?
Yes, you must immediately act during this phase-in period. Violating the amendments of Proposition 65 fail to provide warning labels to the end consumer will make you a penalty of $2,500 per violation per day.
How do I know if I need to provide a Proposition 65 warning for a product?
First, you should check to see if chemicals in the product, or created using the product, are on the updated Proposition 65 list. Then you should determine whether the manufacture or use of the product is likely to expose individuals to listed chemicals by testing. Where APA experts can help you whether the product causes exposure to a listed chemical or not.
Can I reformulate a product rather than provide a warning?
Yes, but as a manufacturer, you will have a heavy burden to reformulate the whole product. Where you can provide a warning label rather than reformulating the products which you have manufactured already
Does APA have expertise that will determine the required label warnings, exemptions, and how APA will support us to provide knowledge to our suppliers?
Yes, APA will support you in all the processes for providing a warning to your products, and APA will conduct training to your suppliers if it is required.
Can I still use the existing short-form warnings for internet purchases?
No. You should eliminate the use of short-form warnings for internet and catalog purchases in case the new amendment is approved.
Overall rating
If you wish to get a copy of the webinar or prop65 solution demo, please send a mail to compliance@apaengineering.com