Giving below highlights of the latest updates received from Auto Care. This will help you to quickly identify areas that could impact your data and take required action to keep your files updated.
Big Changes * |
1. Vehicle Data Additions |
Vehicle Type | Pre 2020 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Light Vehicle (Acura, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Karma, Lamborghini, Nissan, Porsche, Ram, Volkswagen, Volvo) |
4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 184 |
(Airstream, Alexander Dennis, Blue Bird, BYD, Chevrolet, Coach House, Crane Carrier, EarthRoamer, East to West, Ford, Foretravel Motorhome, Freightliner, Hendrickson, Hino, Holiday Rambler, IC Corporation, Kenworth, Leisure Travel, Mack, Newmar, Nexus, Peterbilt, Pierce Mfg. Inc., Prevost, Proterra, Ram, Roadtrek, Spartan Motors, Storyteller Overland, Tiffin, Volvo, Western Star, Winnebago) |
358 | 16 | 20 | 30 | 147 | 353 |
Power Sports
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2. Equipment Data Updates |
Equipment Type | # of Equipments |
(Broussard, Versatile, Wylie, Z Spray) |
17 |
(Universal, Valmet, Vermeer, Voeller, Volvo, VSS, Wagner-Smith, Whiteman) |
9 |
(AaLadin, Allentown, Baker, Boss, Broderson, Unit, United Tractor, US Filter, Vacmasters, Vactor, Vac-Tron, Versalift, Vulcan, Wacker, Waterous, Wildcat, Yale) |
52 |
Lawn & Garden:
(White Outdoor, Wright) |
16 |
Power Generation: (Voltmaster, Winco, Winpower) |
26 |
Marine: (Volvo Penta, Westerbeke) |
13 |
3. Part Information Updates |
Download Excel |
Highlights: |
Status | Count |
Add | 60 |
Delete | 0 |
Modify | 12 |
4. Qualifier Data Updates |
Download Excel |
Highlights: |
Status | Count |
Add | 130 |
Delete | 0 |
Modify | 2 |
5. Part Attribute Updates |
Download Excel |
Highlights: |
Status | Affected Part Terminologies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Add |
Delete |
Modify | No Modify List |
Recent additions in to help you sell more? |
Year extension functionality to extend coverage across other available years is introduced at a part level. The application import template is modified to let the users indicate the records that are being modified and the ones that are being newly imported. The application import template is modified to allow multiple attribute values to be concatenated into one cell for specific fields. Introduced Application notes master at a part level. The notes from this master can be associated with the applications associated with the selected part. Upgraded the QDB report in PMT to be able to update the notes, view associated parts and download the parts associated with the qualifier note. The ACES Viewer is upgraded to include:
More details on the above can be got from AutoCare release notes on their website Hope you found the above useful. Feel free to contact us for more information and action.