Taiwan has called for immediate action on registering Priority Existing Chemicals (PECs), emphasizing the need for businesses to prepare their registration dossiers promptly. The Environmental Resource & Information Co., Ltd. (ERI) has made a formal announcement regarding the registration status, urging companies to expedite the process to minimize potential delays.

Registration Deadline approaches for 106 Priority Existing Chemicals (PECs) in Taiwan:

The standard registration period for 106 Priority Existing Chemicals (PECs) in Taiwan expires on December 31, 2024. ERI reveals that approximately one-third of registrants have successfully submitted their registration dossiers, while another 40% are actively in the planning stages. Despite authorities' clear stance on granting no additional extensions, around 20% of registrants still hope for such leniency.

Varied Compliance Rates and Persistent Hope for Extensions:

ERI's findings shed light on the diverse compliance landscape, with a notable disparity in business registration progress. While a significant portion has adhered to the regulatory requirements, a remaining 20% continues to express optimism for potential extensions, despite authoritative statements to the contrary.

Commencement and Extension Amidst Pandemic Challenges:

The standard registration process for 106 PECs (1 ton/year) in Taiwan commenced in 2020, with a deadline initially set and later extended due to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This change, incorporated into the New and Existing Chemical Registration Regulation, allowed for a more flexible timeline, recognizing the unforeseen hurdles businesses faced during the pandemic.

This development highlights the importance of a streamlined approach to chemical registration, ensuring compliance with regulations and adaptability to unforeseen circumstances. As the deadline approaches, businesses in Taiwan are urged to prioritize their registration efforts to meet the stringent requirements and contribute to a safer chemical landscape.

Reference: https://tcscachemreg.epa.gov.tw/

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