The intentions and proposals received by ECHA for a new or updated harmonized classification and labelling of a substance are listed in the registry of classification and labelling (CLH) intentions until the outcome. Manufacturers, importers, downstream consumers, or the competent authorities in Member State submit the suggestions.
The industry has updated information regarding the classification of acute inhalation toxicity. The Executive Director of ECHA authorized RAC to evaluate the current opinion about the classification for acute inhalation toxicity in response to a request from the European Commission.
As per the latest update currently, there are 712 unique substances in the CLH list.
Six intentions have been received for the below substances.
Substance Name | EC number | CAS number |
Bronopol | 200-143-0 | 52-51-7 |
Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene; Reaction products of diphenylamine with nonene, branched | - | - |
1-amino-4-hydroxy-2-phenoxyanthraquinone | 241-442-6 | 17418-58-5 |
2-amino-2-methylpropanol | 204-709-8 | 124-68-5 |
Methyl isothiocyanate | 209-132-5 | 556-61-6 |
1,3-diphenylguanidine | 203-002-1 | 102-06-7. |
One proposal has been submitted for the below substance.
Substance Name | EC number | CAS number |
(RS)-S-sec-butyl-O-ethyl-2-oxo-1,3-thiazolidin-3-ylphosphonothioate; fosthiazate | 619-377-3 | 98886-44-3 |
Two withdrawals have been received for the substance below.
Substance Name | EC number | CAS number |
undecan-2-one; methyl nonyl ketone | 203-937-5 | 112-12-9 |
IDS, Na-Salz | 429-200-1 | - |
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