Pilot Project Highlights Widespread Non-Compliance in Cosmetics Industry

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has uncovered 285 cosmetic products containing banned hazardous chemicals in a recent investigation spanning 13 European Economic Area (EEA) countries. The study, inspecting nearly 4,500 products between November 2023 and April 2024, revealed that around 6% of tested items violated EU regulations.

Key Findings

• Products Affected: Non-compliant items included pencil eyeliners, lipliners, conditioners, and hair masks.
• Hazardous Substances Found:

o PFOA and Long-Chain PFCAs: Linked to cancer and reproductive toxicity.
o Cyclic Siloxanes D4 and D5: Suspected to harm fertility and persist in the environment.

• Simple Inspection Method: Authorities primarily checked ingredient lists—an approach accessible to consumers.

Regulatory Impact

The investigation targeted chemicals restricted under the POPs Regulation (Persistent Organic Pollutants) and the REACH Regulation. Enforcement agencies have begun removing non-compliant products and advising suppliers on legal compliance.

Consumer Awareness

ECHA emphasized that banned chemicals appeared across various price ranges and brands. Consumers are encouraged to scrutinize ingredient lists to ensure safety. This project highlights ongoing challenges in regulating the cosmetics industry and underscores the importance of robust enforcement to protect public health and the environment.


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