Engineering Solutions for Better Cataloging

Parts manufacturers are increasingly seeing online channels, such as ecommerce stores and marketplaces as important elements of their sales and marketing strategy.

Recent surveys from Hedges and Company indicate that online sales of automotive parts and accessories is expected to cross an epic $19B by 2022. The report also indicates that a staggering $148B will be influenced by digital.

“Digital influence occurs along a consumer’s Road to Purchase as consumers and service professionals search for and read information online. It’s also when they read reviews, as they are exposed to product and brand advertising, and as they watch video advertising or video content.”

In this context, product manufacturers have to adopt measures to enhance their digital presence and ensure that their product images and videos stand out from the competition.

While auto parts and accessories are still a “technical” category where specifications and attributes play an important role, the importance of high quality images and videos in shaping a buyer decision within a set of choices CANNOT be ignored. In addition to their impact on selling, these rendered images and videos are excellent aids in product training documents.

In 3 distinct case studies, we show how manufacturers from USA have partnered with APA Engineering to use 3D rendering and other similar services to deliver world-class web catalogs.

Case Study #1: Manufacturer of work holding devices

The scope is to create High quality realistic rendered images from 3D models for  vise assembly to publ websites.

Read more here

Case Study #2: Manufacturer of Automation Equipment

The scope was to create a marketing collateral of animating the sequence of the operations involved in the fully automatic PTU flip up workstation.

Watch the video here

Case Study #3: Manufacturer of Universal Drive Shafts

With mounting sales pressure, this manufacturer of UDS from Motor City devised a new strategy to accelerate customer interest in their products. They amped up the quality of their catalogs with high-definition 3D rendered images and novel cataloging aid tools by collaborating with niche specialists skilled in engineering & cataloging, on the other side of the world.

Read more here

Customers are already in love with online purchasing (comfort, discounts, choice etc.). With the onslaught of this pandemic, online buying of parts and accessories has accelerated more than offline buying. In order to compete and win in this scenario, all steps to enhance end user experience is essential.

APA Engineering offers a unique blend of skill sets both in Engineering and Cataloging that makes this possible. To know more about this service, contact

Source: Hedges &Company Report

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