Giving below highlights of the latest updates received from Auto Care. This will help you to quickly identify areas that could impact your data and take required action to keep your files updated.

Big Changes *
1. Vehicle Data Additions
Vehicle Type Pre 2020 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Light Vehicle
(Acura, Bentley, BMW, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Hyundai, Kia, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Rivian, Toyota)
8 0 0 0 102 2
(Autocar LLC., BYD, Crane Carrier, Ferrara, Freightliner, Grande West, GreenPower Motors, International, Isuzu, Lion,Mack, Renegade, Spartan Motors, Temsa Bus, Thomas, Volvo, Western Star)
1021 95 95 101 86 0
Power Sports 
0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Equipment Data Updates
Equipment Type # of Equipments
(Bergkamp, Case)
(Allen, Allmand, Altec, American-Lincoln, Bandit, Boss, Broce, Case, CH&E)
Lawn & Garden:
(Altoz, Ardisam, Ariens, Bandit, Bob-Cat)
Power Generation: (Briggs & Stratton) 2
Marine: 0
3. Part Information Updates
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Status Count
Add 95
Delete 1
Modify 145
4. Qualifier Data Updates
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Status Count
Add 55
Delete 0
Modify 2
5. Part Attribute Updates
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Status Affected Part Terminologies
Add See Attachment for more details
Adjustable Wrench
Coil Spring
Tonneau Cover
Modify No Modify List
Recent additions in to help you sell more?
 Option to capture the "Sale Price" is included to the variant matrix screen. The page will be visible only for PMTs that has the variant functionality included.
 A provision to generate the URIs based on an external folder path is enabled on the Product Line master. The URI will be generated against all the parts under the specified product line that contains a filename. Previously, this functionality was limited to folders within the internal server.
 Introduced the Attribute UOM column on the Attribute Filter report so that the sort order can be set based on Attribute Name + Attribute UOM. The column will be displayed only on demand basis.
 Option to view the count of Light, Medium and Heavy Duty applications classified based on the Class ID is included in the Dashboard - Export section.
 An import configuration to permit the import of data based on the Parent Brand ID associated with the parts is introduced.
 Included the Line Code column to the Parts and Package templates to permit import of data across multiple product lines at once.
Recent additions in to help you sell more?

More details on the above can be got from AutoCare release notes on their website Hope you found the above useful. Feel free to contact us for more information and action.