In a recent enforcement investigation conducted across the European Union, one of every three tested biocidal products has fallen short of regulatory standards, raising concerns about the safety and efficacy of these widely used items.

Unauthorized Chemicals: Over 60 Active Substances Detected in Non-Compliant Biocides

Startling revelations emerge as the investigation identifies more than 60 active chemicals in non-compliant biocidal products. These substances are not authorized for use in EU, EEA, or Swiss markets, signaling the potential hazards for consumers and the environment.

Non-Compliance Across Borders: 29 Countries Contribute to Troubling Statistics

The enforcement investigation encompassed 29 countries, with national authorities scrutinizing over 3,500 biocidal products. The results paint a comprehensive picture, indicating a significant 37% non-compliance rate and prompting discussions about the need for consistent regulatory measures on an international scale.

Focus on Problematic Categories: Disinfectants, Insecticides, and Repellents/Attractants in the Spotlight

Investigating non-compliance specifics, the investigation highlights that most problematic biocides belong to categories such as disinfectants, insecticides, and repellents/attractants. This finding underscores potential areas of concern within these specific product types.

Common Non-Compliance Factors Identified: Lack of Authorization and Prohibited Ingredients

The investigation identifies critical factors contributing to non-compliance, with many products lacking proper authorization and containing prohibited active ingredients. These findings emphasize the urgent need for stricter adherence to regulatory standards within the biocidal product industry.

Environmental and Consumer Risks: Unauthorized Chemicals Pose Threats

The presence of unauthorized chemicals in non-compliant biocidal products raises concerns about potential environmental and consumer risks. Authorities stress the importance of promptly addressing and rectifying these compliance issues to mitigate potential hazards.

Call for Enhanced Oversight and Regulation to Ensure Product Safety

In response to the widespread non-compliance, authorities issued a call for the implementation of more robust oversight and regulatory measures. The focus is on enduring the safety and legality of biocidal products within the market to safeguard the well-being of consumers and the environment.

Reference: All news - ECHA (

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