The European Commission has instructed the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to expand the REACH restriction proposal to include at least 12 additional chromium (VI) compounds. This follows an initial request made in September 2023, which focused on two compounds already listed in the REACH Authorization List: chromic acids (entry 17) and chromium trioxide (entry 16).

Expanded Mandate to Include More Compounds

The revised mandate now encompasses chromium (VI) compounds listed in entries 16 through 22 and 28 through 31 of the REACH Authorization List. Additionally, ECHA has been asked to consider other chromium (VI) compounds not currently on the Authorization List, including barium chromate (EC number 233-660-5). This is due to potential public and worker safety concerns if these compounds are used as substitutes for authorized chromium (VI) substances.

New Submission Deadline

Originally due by October 4, 2024, ECHA will now submit the expanded restriction proposal by April 11, 2025. The extended timeline accommodates the broader scope of the mandate.

Second Call for Evidence

In June, ECHA will issue a second call for evidence to assist in drafting the proposal. The call will cover various topics, including alternatives to chromium (VI) compounds and their use in spraying applications. Contributions from the initial evidence request will be considered, and there is no need for additional submissions. On June 6, 2024, ECHA hosted a webinar which discussed the main findings from the initial evidence call and to outline the additional information needed for the second call.

Procedure and Expertise

The usual REACH restriction procedure will be followed, including assessments by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) and the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC). ECHA will utilize the expertise and knowledge gained from handling authorization applications for these substances while drafting the proposal.


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