• India released the 5th draft of the Indian Chemical Management and Safety Rules CMSR (India REACH) on August 24th, 2020, replacing two existing rules – Manufacture, Storage, and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989, and the Chemical Accidents Rules, 1996. The Chemicals Management and Safety Rules will be enforced by the Indian National Chemical Authority (INCA).
• The objective of the latest draft is to protect human health and the environment, and the scope of Indian REACH covers Notification, Registration, Restriction, or Prohibition of Substances, Substances in mixtures, articles, and intermediates. The regulation would affect chemical manufacturers and importers producing more than one tonne in India and should notify the division.
• Currently, 750 substances are listed in the Indian REACH draft, and we are anticipating an IT tool like IUCLID.

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