Scheduled Virtual Meeting

OSHA has announced a public meeting ahead of the 46th session of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This virtual meeting was scheduled on June 11, providing a platform for stakeholders to discuss and provide input on the latest revisions and considerations regarding GHS.

Purpose of the Meeting

The primary objective of the meeting is to gather comments and other valuable information from industry stakeholders, experts, and the general public. OSHA, in collaboration with the U.S. Interagency GHS Coordinating Group, aims to use this input to help shape the U.S. government’s positions for the upcoming UN subcommittee meeting, which is slated to convene from July 3 to 5 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Recent Regulatory Update

In a significant regulatory development, OSHA has recently finalized a rule that updates its hazard communication standard (1910.1200) to align with the seventh revision of the GHS. This update replaces the previous standard, which was aligned with the third revision of the GHS. The new alignment aims to improve the consistency and clarity of hazard communication, ensuring better protection for workers handling hazardous chemicals.

Importance of Stakeholder Input

The upcoming virtual meeting is crucial as it allows diverse stakeholders, including industry representatives, safety professionals, and public health advocates, to voice their perspectives and concerns. Their input will be instrumental in forming a well-rounded and robust U.S. stance at the UN subcommittee meeting. This collaborative approach aims to ensure that the international standards developed at the UN level are comprehensive and consider the practical experiences and insights of those directly affected by these regulations.

Participation Details

Participants can join the virtual meeting to share their views, suggest improvements, and discuss the potential impacts of the updated GHS standards. OSHA encourages widespread participation to ensure that the positions presented at the UN meeting reflect the needs and realities of the various stakeholders involved. Details on how to join the meeting and submit comments can be found on OSHA’s official website.


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