How Can MDS Xpress Simplify Your IMDS Reporting?

Submitting Material Data Sheets (MDS) to the International Material Data System (IMDS) can be challenging for companies in the automotive manufacturing industry. The challenges can be significant, from handling lower supplier responses to creating tedious tree structures for large assemblies or struggling to identify missing child MDS in the assembly. MDS Xpress can change the way you prepare for IMDS reporting.

Decoding MDS Xpress

1. BOM Analysis: Effortlessly identify unreported Material Data Sheets (MDS) in a Bill of Materials (BOM) for comprehensive complianceTotal Quantity of the CBAM goods imported in tonnes from each installation based on the country of origin. If you are importing electricity, this should be expressed in MWh.
2. IMDS Validation: Generates the rejection reasons in every MDS as per the IMDS recommendations 001
3. Building Tree Structures: Generate error-free IMDS tree structures for large assemblies efficiently, eliminating manual effort.
4. Supplier Communication: Automate email communication and reminders to facilitate faster submission processes and reduce follow-ups for unreported and rejected MDS with suppliers.
5. Dashboards: Gain valuable insights with dashboards for Suppliers, Customers, and Material data.
6. RRR Calculations: calculate vehicle level recyclability, recoverability and reusability as per ISO22628 standards.

How Can You Maximize Your Business Benefits?"

Automated Discovery: Identify unreported parts for design changes effortlessly, ensuring a proactive approach to compliance.
Time: Save 170% of the time building IMDS tree structure, focusing on strategic tasks. • Faster Submission: Expedite supplier submissions with automated communication, ensuring a more responsive and efficient process.
Data Accuracy Assurance: Achieve a 100% assurance on the accuracy of submitted data, reducing the risk of errors and non-compliance.
ERP Integration: Integrate with your in-house or third-party ERP systems to minimize data redundancy.

For over two decades, APA Engineering has been providing specialized product chemical compliance services to clients worldwide. We deliver turnkey solutions to reputable OEMs and their supply chain network. IMDS Services and its cloud-based software counterpart, MDS-Xpress, help organizations achieve End of Life Vehicles (ELV) compliance quickly and accurately while simplifying the entire IMDS submission process. Our innovative solutions enable clients to easily navigate the complex landscape of international material data system requirements.

Reach Out for Error-Free IMDS Submissions Now !

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