The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has expressed concerns regarding insufficient data in applications for biocidal products and active substances. This issue has led to an increasing number of opinions opposing Union authorizations and approvals.

Recent BPC Opinions

During its May meeting, the BPC adopted seven opinions on Union authorizations and four views on active substances, including:

Endorsed Active Substances:

1. Dinotefuran: Renewed for product-type 18 (insecticides, acaricides, and products to control other arthropods).
2. Polymeric Betaine: Approved for product type 8 (wood preservatives).

Declined Approvals:

1. Medetomidine: Renewal for product-type 21 (antifouling products) was not supported.
2. 5-Chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (CIT): Approval for product-type 6 (preservatives for products during storage) was rejected.

Union Authorizations Adopted:

The BPC approved seven applications for Union authorizations, including:

1. Propan-2-ol: For product-type 2 (disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals).
2. Propan-1-ol and Propan-2-ol: For product-type 1 (disinfectants for human hygiene).
3. Margosa Extract: From cold-pressed oil of the kernels of Azadirachta Indica for product-type 19 (repellents and attractants for pest control).
4. Glutaral (Glutaraldehyde) and CIT: For product-type 6, 11 (preservatives for liquid-cooling and processing systems), and 12 (slimicides).
5. CIT Reaction Mass: For product-type 4 (disinfectants for food and feed area), 11, and 12.
6. Peracetic Acid: For product-type 2, 3 (disinfectants for veterinary hygiene), and 4.

Rejected Product-Type Authorization

The BPC did not support the approval of product-type 4 for a product line containing hydrogen peroxide.

Concerns and Recommendations

Reviewing Member States are advised to refuse approval or demand necessary data, such as efficacy and safety information, especially related to endocrine disruption in the final stages of the process. The BPC's opinion remains unfavorable when crucial data is missing. The BPC's growing concerns about incomplete data in applications underscore the need for comprehensive and accurate submissions to ensure the safety and efficacy of biocidal products and active substances.


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