The future of engineering design looks intense, thrilling, and full of possibilities!

The realm of engineering design is evolving at a rapid pace, ushering in a future filled with excitement and limitless possibilities. As we embrace the new year, advanced concepts, tools, and methodologies are set to transform the field. Digital technologies, including simulation, modeling, AI, and generative design, empower engineers to overcome previously insurmountable challenges.

Generative Design: A Paradigm Shift?

Mike Haley, Senior Vice President of Autodesk Research, highlights the ground-breaking role of generative design. Companies like Mercedes F1, Volkswagen, and NASA leverage this optimization algorithm-driven approach, revolutionizing the creation of crucial components. From spacecraft parts to factory floor plans, generative design waves across diverse industries.

“...we have been delighted to see this optimization algorithm-driven approach to design exploration...” - Haley

While generative design holds immense promise, challenges in setting goals and constraints persist. Colin Swearingen of Dassault Systèmes emphasizes its transformative impact on daily design challenges, enabling users to create optimal designs in a fraction of the time.

AI and Machine Learning: Shaping the Future of Engineering

Ken Welch, Chief Engineer of Design at Altair, underscores the profound influence of AI and machine learning on design practices. These technologies expedite the generation of superior designs and seamlessly incorporate subjective criteria, revolutionizing trade-off studies.

"Better designs, faster: Techniques such as generative design allow for design alternatives to be generated to do trade-off studies" - Welch

Siemens and Ansys are integrating AI to enhance user interaction, predict commands, and facilitate quicker design workflows. Trust and confidence in AI predictions, as highlighted by Mark Hindsbo, Ansys's General Manager, remain imperative for validating real-world design processes.

“We see great potential for the use of AI” - Haubrock

Innovative Tools Enhancing Engineering Design

Bartosz Korec, Lead Industrial Designer for BlackHägen Design, emphasizes the ongoing significance of simulation. With inside-out tracking capabilities, tools like Meta Quest 2 and 3 are gaining popularity for cost-effective and efficient deployment, providing a 'hands-on' experience.

“There is no silver bullet, but several patterns are emerging for shifting left” - Hindsbo

Mark Hindsbo notes a trend where engineers "shift left" to gain early insights from simulation in product design. Tools like Ansys Discovery and Creo Simulation Live contribute to this shift by enhancing ease of use and expediting simulation processes.

Charting the Technology Ahead

The convergence of generative design, AI, machine learning, simulation, modeling, and VR technologies is reshaping the future of engineering design. While acknowledging the inherent risks, Haley comments that we live in an "incredibly exciting time" where technology fundamentally transforms how we design and shape the world.

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